Contract Parker Platform (B2B)

The right way to delegate season parker management

Contract Parker Platform (B2B): A comprehensive solution for managing contract parkers

This web application simplifies the process of adding, editing, and overseeing contract parkers. Eliminate the hassle of manual agreements and gain complete control.

 Here’s what Contract Parker Platform (B2B) offers

How it works ?

The Contract Parker Platform (B2B) functions through the interaction of two key user groups: Parking Operators and Client Companies with an optional 3rd.

1st actor

Parking Operator

  • Creates a company account and sets the account validity, quota of parking spaces, and facility access for each company.
  • Has access to a dashboard that provides an overview of all companies, contracts, and user activity.
  • Can view and edit all companies and user accounts.

2nd actor

Client Company

  • Creates employee/participants accounts and assigns validity periods and access media (license plate number, card number or QR code) to each employee.
  • Has access to a company dashboard to view and edit all employee accounts.

 An all in one platform


Real-time availability icon  Secure Login

The portal utilizes a secure login interface, granting authorized users access from any web browser. Parking operators, designated as administrators, have super-user credentials for complete control.


  Centralized Dashboard

The admin dashboard serves as the central hub for managing all contract parking activities. Gain instant insights with key metrics displayed on the homepage, including the total number of companies using the portal, detailed overviews of each company, and their respective contract validity periods and allocated facilities.


  Company Management

The portal empowers parking operators to create dedicated company accounts. Once a company is added, designated administrators from the client company can log in and manage their own contract parkers within their allocated quota.

Ditch the Paperwork, Embrace Efficiency. Automate Contract Parking Management Now!

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Le Mans Hospital

Corporate Clients

100 companies benefit from our parking solutions.

Seasonal Parking

Over 5,000 season parkers utilize our services.

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